Reiki is a process of healing by the transfer of energy through a practitioner's hands to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and facilitate healing. The "Ki" of reiki is also known as Chi, Prana or life force energy—it is the energy which animates us and all life.
By channeling this energy, Reiki aims to restore balance and address physical, mental, and emotional imbalances. It is practiced through gentle touch or hovering hands over the body. While Reiki can be a complementary therapy, it is not a substitute for medical treatment, and consultation with a qualified practitioner or healthcare professional is recommended.
Reiki is believed to offer several potential benefits, including promoting relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety, enhancing overall well-being, and supporting the body's natural healing processes. It may also help alleviate pain, improve sleep quality, boost energy levels, and provide a sense of emotional and spiritual clarity. While individual experiences may vary, many people find Reiki sessions to be calming and rejuvenating, providing a space for deep relaxation and peace.
During a Reiki session, the recipient usually lies down fully clothed on a massage table or sits comfortably in a chair. The practitioner begins by placing their hands lightly on or just above the recipient's body in specific hand positions, allowing the universal life energy to flow through. The energy is believed to be intelligent and will naturally flow to where it is needed most. The practitioner may keep their hands in each position for a few minutes before moving to the next. The session typically lasts 45-90 minutes, and recipients may experience sensations of warmth, tingling, or deep relaxation.
Compass Rose Center
1106 Main Street West Barnstable, MA 02668